Hello February
Well hello February, in what seems like the longest January ever we are finally in a new month.
Even though my birthday is in January and it is generally a month I love, even I felt like this January went on forever and a day!
January has seen my birthday, and lots of new plans for Rhianna Lily Designs, which really has taken up a lot of my time. It is so exciting but also so full on at the moment, that there really isn’t any time for anything else.
There really are not enough hours in the day at the moment, and I seem to be making, and making and sorting and designing all day every day.
Which is amazing but is very very full on!
I do feel like I haven’t had a moment to stop, a moment to get totally organised, or anything.
But on the flip side I am pleased I am busy and feel really good with where the business is going.
So it is crazy and full on but fun as well.
But I am grateful that January is over, another month has started and it feels like a proper fresh start this month.
A shift and a change is happening and it feels like a freshness is here.
It’s time to enjoy the change!