Back To Basics

Scrapbooking has taken a back seat for a long time now.

There are hundreds of photos in our house that need to be sorted and need to be scrapbooked, but honestly life just gets in the way.

Last night I decided to go back to basics, and start a new little scrapbook from the very beginning.

I have a plan to print of some small photos and want to use these in this scrapbook.

There is no theme to the scrapbook as the pages are already set into the book, and are multiply colours and designs, which I am loving.

I am just adding embellishments and borders related to the pages colours.

I am hoping to just add some every day photos into this little album, as a little album of just daily life.

Nothing exciting, nothing amazing just the loving day to day photos that you take at home etc.

It will be my first album I have made in a very long time, and I hoping it will inspire me to get a back into scrapbooking a little bit more, and to start working on the backlog of photos that I have currently.

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