
A couple of years ago I kept a gratitude journal.

Every night I would sit down and write three things I was grateful for that day.

I kept at it for a few years and filled up a couple of journals, but it got put to the side and left and never picked back up after a few horrible months.

But it is something I really enjoyed and it made me feel good, writing down the things that I was grateful each day.

They were never elaborate things, just simple day to day things that made me smile and I appreciated.

Over the last few months, everything has become quite depressing, with the way the world is at the moment.

So I decided to buy a new little notebook and start writing what I am grateful for every night again.

This time the notebook is smaller, so it doesn’t feel a chore to complete it, and the gratitude has increased to five things a night, because I think five things are needed.

I have been doing it since the beginning of April, doesn’t it always seem better to start something at the beginning of the month, and I have to admit writing things I am grateful for before bed is making me feel more at ease.

It is such a simple thing.

But it really does have a huge impact on your thinking.

As you are thinking of the good things.

It makes you feel more positive, happier and more at ease.

It is something I am really going to keep on with as it is so simple and easy but makes such a difference in such a short space of time!

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